How Did We Get Here?
HOW DID WE GET HERE? is an intimate reflection on life in the digital age and follows Sean's journey through the highest highs - chanting crowds, sold out shows, and marriage proposals - and lowest lows - grappling with loneliness in the harsh Irish winter - and the life and wonder in between. Released: 2022
Seán William McLoughlin, Brent Lilley, Ryan Reynolds, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Florrie McLoughlin, Jaiden Dittfach, Malcolm McLoughlin, Justin Tracey, JP Hassen, Vernon Shaw, Arin Hanson, Simon McLoughlin, Susan McLoughlin, Matt Ottley, Dominik Prosser, Robin Torkar, Stella Young, Martin Schütz, Ryan Magee, Matt Watson, Tucker Prescott, Ethan Nestor, Suzy Berhow, Brian Wecht
Duration: 83 min
United Kingdom