Take My Hand
The comfort-seeking Maja tries to regain control over her life following her recent divorce. 'Take My Hand' is a romantic comedy with all the drama that follows when our perceptions of love are turned upside down. Released: 2022
Thomas Larsen, Laura Bilgrau Eskild-Jensen, Lukas Milton Mink Jackson, Bolette Engstrøm Bjerre, Andreas Brix Krøner, Troels Kortegaard Ullerup, Morten Brovn Jørgensen, Casper Crump, Mette Døssing, Mille Dinesen, Ulrich Thomsen, Mille Lehfeldt, Nicoline Rubow Sharma, Jasper Kruse Svabo, Line Falcon, Niklas Quorning Hansen, Anne Høyer, Mia Lyhne, Pernille Højmark, Ayhan Ustun, Anders Brink Madsen, Torben Svendsen, Nanna Bøttcher, Katrine Bach, Jørgen W. Larsen