The visionary dreams of three curious and adventuresome young boys become an exciting reality in Explorers, the action-fantasy from director Joe Dante, who combines keen humor, warmth and fantasy with unexpected twists. In their makeshift laboratory, the boys use an amazing discovery and their ingenuity to build their own spaceship and launch themselves on a fantastic interplanetary journey. Released: 1985
Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix, Jason Presson, Amanda Peterson, Bobby Fite, Dana Ivey, Bradley Gregg, Georg Olden, Chance Schwass, Danny Nucci, Taliesin Jaffe, James Cromwell, Brooke Bundy, Tricia Bartholome, Eric Luke, Robert Picardo, Karen Mayo-Chandler, Robert F. Boyle, John P. Navin, Jr., Mary Hillstead, Simone Blue, Meshach Taylor, Dick Miller, Leslie Rickert, Mary Kay Place