Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Three years after the demise of Jurassic World, a volcanic eruption threatens the remaining dinosaurs on the isla Nublar, so Claire Dearing, the former park manager, recruits Owen Grady to help prevent the extinction of the dinosaurs once again. Released: 2018
Peter Jason, Chris Pratt, Toby Jones, Michael Papajohn, Neil Bishop, Sam Redford, Victor Gardener, Ted Levine, Jeremy Gilbert, Philippa Thomas, Ben Peel, John Schwab, Ronan Summers, Honey Holmes, BD Wong, Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Emms, Isabella Sermon, Daniel Stisen, Mitchell L. Johnson, Gil Kolirin, Daryl Kwan, Alex Dower, James Cromwell, Patrick Crowley, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin Layne, Eric Kofi Abrefa, Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Sockett, Cory Peterson, Justice Smith, Charlie Rawes, Daniella Pineda, Rafe Spall
Duration: 129 min
United States of America