Mean Girls 2
The story revolves around a new high school student, Jo (Meaghan Martin) , who agrees to befriend an outcast, Abby (Jennifer Stone), at the urging of Abby's wealthy father in exchange for paying all of Jo's costs for the college of her dreams. Jo and Abby team up to take on the school's mean girls, the Plastics. Released: 2011
Juliet Kim, Bethany Anne Lind, Greg Perrow, Katelyn E. Bulluck, Tim Meadows, Claire Holt, Maiara Walsh, Mike Pniewski, Kimberly Banta, Rachel Filsoof, Autumn Dial, Patrick Johnson, Rhoda Griffis, Colin Dennard, Nicole Gale Anderson, Diego Boneta, Jennifer Stone, Amber Wallace, Linden Ashby, Donn Lamkin, Meaghan Jette Martin, Willie Larson, Kelly Gilmore, Lil Bit, Dan Coleman