One Last Dance
IMDB: 5.3
100 min
In the wake of tragedy, a renowed New York dance company is on the brink of collapse. After leaving the dance world for good, Travis, Chrissa, and Max are pulled in to resurrect the dance that shattered their careers. They have one last chance to save the company, re-connect with the passion and magic, and prove that miracles really can happen. Released: 2003
Stefan Wenta, Desmond Richardson, Jamie Bishton, Dwight Rhoden, Nancy Drake, Bambi Swayze, Daniel Heifetz, Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, Tai Jiminez, Timothy Webber, Muriel Hogue, CindyMarie Small, Rasta Thomas, Amanda Kostyk, Chris Sigurdson, Cliff Sumter, Marie Stillin, Yosuke Mino, Aundra Ford, Thom Allison, Stephanie Slater, George de la Peña, Kathryn Bradney, Heather Thompson, Elena Heifetz, Matthew Walker