The Little Witch
The little witch is only 127 years old – too young for the annual coven of witches. Although she is not yet old enough to be a real witch she wants to become a really good one. This decision causes trouble inside her magic world. Released: 2018
Karoline Herfurth, Axel Prahl, Luis Vorbach, Momo Beier, Michael Gempart, Anna Striesow, Suzanne von Borsody, Barbara Melzl, Eveline Hall, Therese Affolter, Angelika Böttiger, Amelie Elisa Klein, Carolin Spiess, Katharina Bohny, Verena Bosshard, Marina Guerrini, Peter Rauch, Marcus Signer, Thomas Loibl, Stephan Boden
Duration: 105 min